A studio that’s passionate about making this industry more accessible to female business owners

The faces behind Studio Morii

Our head of brand design! Jess has over 10 years experience working in the design industry. She’s your go-to girl for logo design, colour palettes and sharing a love of country music. You can find her most weekends with her friends, prosecco in hand!

Meet Jess

Enneagram twos are empathetic, sincere, friendly and warm-hearted.

Enneagram: Two

Cancer character traits include being nurturing and loyal. While reserved, they stand on a foundation of strength.

Horoscope: Cancer

These warm, forthright types love helping others, and they tend to have strong ideas and values. They back their perspective with the creative energy to achieve their goals.

Personality type: ENFJ Protagonist

Meet Rach

Our head of website design! Rach is your go-to gal for creating colourful and bold websites, because - guess what? Your website doesn’t have to be BORING! When she’s not behind computer screen you can find her at Jiu Jitsu (or eating Lebanese food…).

Enneagram: Four

Enneagram fours are self-aware, honest, creative and reserved.

Scorpio character traits include being strong, enigmatic and independent. They have an intensity and charisma that makes them un-ignorable.

Horoscope: Scorpio

They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

Personality type: INJF Advocate


From classroom neighbours to business partners...

Who would have thought that being sat next to each other in English lessons would lead us to embark this incredible entrepreneurial journey together. Spoiler alert: not us.


...at opposite ends of the country


Jess went all-in on freelancing right after sixth form, becoming a total boss babe from a young age.


Meanwhile, Rach took the scenic route, studying Graphic Design at uni and exploring more creative paths than we can count.


The birth of Studio Morii


And… here we are! From coffee-fueled brainstorming sessions to late-night giggles, starting a business together was easily one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.

Welcome to Studio Morii, where our creativity meets your business goals.

We took this photo the night we decided to start our business...


Studio Morii: year one

Our passion for creating brand identities and websites that our clients are obsessed with is only growing stronger. So far we’ve worked with some amazing brands and business owners! We can’t wait to see where the rest of this year takes us, and beyond!

Our ‘Why’ behind everything...

At Studio Morii, we have a passion for creating beautiful brand identities and websites. As female business owners ourselves, we’re here to help you capture the ethos of your brand and elevate your visual identity to the level your business deserves.

Your visual identity is more than just an aesthetic; it's a powerful tool that communicates your values, connects with your audience, and sets you apart from the rest.

We work closely with you and have a collaborative approach tailored to your business' unique needs. Our mission is to ensure that every project we undertake is as distinctive as the women behind them.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to rebrand, our goal is to help you tell your story in a way that is authentic, engaging, and visually stunning.

  Let’s do the damn thing  

Creating brand identities + websites you’ll want to tell everyone about

We’re right by your side from beginning to end. Our ‘thing’ is giving you those breathtaking ‘omg, is this my brand?’ moments. We aim to exceed your wildest dreams and make your business stand out from the crowd. We strive to transform your vision and values into a bespoke solution that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.